동물 썸네일형 리스트형 Puffins using sticks for grooming, 나무가지로 단장하는 바다쇠오리 People often underestimate the cognitive ability of birds, however, they will be surprised if they have a bird as a companion. When I had a small parrot as a companion, I observed that she untied a string to go out of her cage and also she cut paper to utilize it as jewelry. Animals that use tools are considered to have high cognitive ability, and here is another observation to demonstrate the a.. 더보기 Australia’s Bushfires Crisis, 호주 산불 재난 The Australian authority declared a state of emergency because of the massive bushfire starting from last September. Wildfires frequently happen in Australia; however, it is unusual to burn more than 5 million hectares of land. People who lived in the places near the bushfire evacuated, however most of the animals could not. An ecologist said billions of mammals and reptiles in Australia were ki.. 더보기 이전 1 다음