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Australia’s Bushfires Crisis, 호주 산불 재난

Some of the wild animals evacuated to wombat's burrows

  The Australian authority declared a state of emergency because of the massive bushfire starting from last September. Wildfires frequently happen in Australia; however, it is unusual to burn more than 5 million hectares of land.

  People who lived in the places near the bushfire evacuated, however most of the animals could not. An ecologist said billions of mammals and reptiles in Australia were killed. Also, the dark smoke from the bushfire affected other countries around the Pacific Ocean.

  The cause of the intense bushfire was that summer at that time in Australia was much hotter and drier than usual because of drought. Firefighters tried to extinguish fires with the fire retardants; however, It was hard to be extinguished because the wildfire easily soars to another place when gust comes. Now, the bushfire crisis has ended because of rain.




bushfire 산불
The Pacific Ocean 태평양
massive 거대한
wildfire 들불, 산불
hectare 헥타르 (1만평방미터)
declare 선포하다
state of emergency 비상사태
extinguish 불을 끄다
gust 돌풍
soar 치솟다
drought 가뭄
frequent 자주
intense 강한
fire retardant 발화지연제
authority 당국
evacuate 대피하다
ecologist 생태학자
billion 10억
mammal 포유류
reptile 파충류