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Social Networking

TELLA 카톡 영어 Jazzel 선생님과의 대화.


Social Netwoking (소셜 네트워킹)

  • Find me on ~. (~에서 날 검색해 봐.)
  • I usually lurk. (난 보통 읽기만 해.)
  • Tag me in ~. (~에 나 태그 해 줘.)
  • Count me in! (나도 끼워줘!)
  • username 아이디
  • approve 승인하다
  • group chat 단체 채팅방
  • invite A to B A를 B에 초대하다
  • request 요청

* "To lurk" means "to observe quietly". & It's not a slang.




Now, let's try a role-play!

Please use the expressions in the card as much as you can during the role-play.

Okay! Let's hop right in! :)




*************************ROLE PLAY starts here*************************


Have you uploaded the pictures that we took yesterday yet?


다음을 영어로 이야기 해보세요: [응, 이미 했지. 인스타그램에서 날 찾아봐. 내 아이디 알려줄게.]

  • Yes! I already uploaded them. Find me on the Instagram. Let me tell you my username.
  • Yes, I already have. Find me on Instagram. I'll give you my username.


What ? We are not friends yet? Give me a second. I will send you a follower request.


B: [받았어! 방금 요청 승인하고 비디오에 너 태그도했어.]

  • I got you! I just approved the request, and tagged you.
  • I got it! I just approved your request and also tagged you in the video.


Thanks! Wait a minute. Is this your first upload ever?


B: [응! 난 주로 읽기만 해(눈팅만해).]

  • Yep! I usally lurk.


Really? Hmmm.... You are weird!

Anyway, I'm going to start a group chat on Kakao now.


B: [나도 껴줘! 네 친구들도 초대해줄수 있어?]

  • Count me in! Could you invite your friends to the group chat?
  • Count me in! Can you invite your friends as well?


